The Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear has been in use by the river fly fishers, in smaller sizes, for many years but without the gold bead head. In the early 1970s that renowned Rutland fly fisher, John Wadham, brought this fly back into prominence. He fished the reservoir with the fly in larger sizes with a gold bead head, gold lurex rib and the hair teased out to give a shaggy appearance. He was so successful that it became a firm favourite of the day and, unlike so many others, it is just as popular today. It is an excellent fly for trout, grayling and chub.
It is not a difficult fly to tie but you must ‘ rough up ‘ the body with your Velcro stick to make it look scruffy.
The Dressing
- Hook Wet fly sizes 10, 12, and 14.
- Thread Brown
- Head Gold bead or tungsten to suit hook size.
- Tail Brown cock hackle fibres.
- Body Hare/rabbit body fur. Natural possum fur.
- Rib Gold oval medium or gold lurex.
Happy Tying !!
David Cammiss
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Hi David. Got a tying kit from my wife at Xmas and made an attempt at this (among some others). Went out today and caught my first rainbow on my own fly. What a buzz! Many thanks.
hi david
have recently started tying my own flys and have found your instruction very helpful can you let me know how often you update your web site with new flys to try out.
many thanks
Hi David,
I’m a beginning fly tyer from the netherland and joined a fly fishing club recently after getting a fly fishingrod from my wife for my birthday.
Soon flytying became a hobby into a hobby and it became verry difficould for me to wait for the next gathering of the club to learn new and more binding techniques.
That is the reason why i would like to thank you for this series of outstanding instruction video’s witch allow me to go on, and not having to wait for the next time my club comes together.
Thank you verry mutch, please keep up the excelent job.
With regards,
Toon van Roessel
Hi Clinton
Thanks for your comments. This past time of tying flies can be addictive. Just remember practice makes perfect. You dont have to slavishly follow all the patterns in the books, improvise if you have to. Our forefathers only used the original feathers because it was all that was available to them at the time.
Happy Fishing
DaveC. and the Team
Hi David
What a great site, I am hooked on tying flies since I discovered this site, I have had all the equipment for some time now, but never really got into it, thanks to your help I am trying it again.
Clinton (South Africa)
Hi Richard
Thanks for your comments.
The best advice I can give you is just keep practicing. Dont be afraid to be innotive, nothing is laid down in tablets of stone.
Happy Fishing
DaveC. and the Team
Think this link is great….just about to get my first fly tying kit although keep calling it first tie flying kit…now that would be funny to see…but thanks David…will be straight back on here to tie my first fly….Cant wait…! You’ve made it look easy but best of all you’ve explained it well and shown us how to do it in a simple way. Brilliant.
I just found you……………and am old but new to tying, i have bought a viedo but is much to fast for me ,i like your speed ,am learning and enjoying,Thank you so much
i would be keen to see you tying off the fly’s in more detail as it is important for the fly to be secure,i have a tying off tool but i like your way the best please indulge me regards ken
I am amazed..This is simply a great forum.A great collection of How-To.Very useful and so informativ.Thanks alot…Hare Eares nymph is a killer in teh swedish waters for trout and Harr…Im looking forward to more lessons and this site is know a top ranked Bookmark on Browser…Thanks again…
Best wishes Matte
Stay Wet..
Hi Martin
Thanks for your kind comments. I am no purist…just today I have been on the Derwent trotting for grayling. Had a good day.
Keep tying .the more you do the easier it gets.
Happy Fishing
Dave C.
PPS. Cock hackles are stiffer and have traditionally been used for nymph tails. Hen hackles are softer usually used for hackle on spider patterns. If the colour is right and the fibres long enough you can use either
Excellent site and excellent tuition.
I have just started fly fishing (I am a coarse fisherman at heart but try not to hold that against me!) I have always been intriged by fly tying and admire the skill needed to produce an imitation capable of enticing a fish. Your site has prompted me to buy the materials and tools to enable me to do this and your style of teaching has left me brimming with confidence.
Well done and thank you
P.S- Just one question; why cock hackle and not hen for the GRHE?
Hi Eugene
thanks for yor kind comments. We have never given thought to sharing my world of organized chaos in the ‘bunker’. It has evolved over 60 years to what it is today and there are still bits in here I can trace back to 1947.
We will have to see if we can do something.
Regards and Happy Fishing
Dave C. and the Team
Dear David,
I am a beginner and I have watched all your sessions with great benefit. I keep noticing your fly tying room and some of the features of its organization. Could you maybe devote a web page narrative on the way your organize your materials and tools? I feel this would be very helpful.
I love the videos and I am just started tying , very easy to understand. Keep up your nice work!!!
Tight Lines!!!! Jason B.
Hi David
Recently started tying flies after I was shown a few techniques by a relative. I am delighted with your videos and did lessons 1 to 3 this afternoon and am very pleased with the results. will try the rest at a later date, and can’t wait for the next lesson. PS I am female and wonder if many other women tie flies. My husband is the fisherman, I gave up when I had our children, but am really enjoying the tying.
Hi Brian ,
Thanks for your interest. The subject of hackles can be long and drawn out. I will try to cover this at a later stage. You will see what I mean when lesson 7 is posted….wet flies and spider patterns.
Regards Dave C.
David, this is simply a wonderful collection of how-to videos! I am looking to start fly tying and the 3 flies presented already, especially the “buzzer”, look very simple and easy. I have watched all three videos a number of times already, and look forward to even more! Perhaps another great tutorial would be to discuss materials only……Hackle and its sizing is something I am still trying to wrap my noggin around!
P.S. One more thing, I assume “varnish” in England is the same as “fly head cement” in America?
Great tutorial. perfect for us beginners. The best set of videos I have seen. can’t wait for the next one. Thanks